Book Love Hosts: An Evening with Judy Lipson

Tickets $5

September 19, 2024 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Join us for an evening with local author Judy Lipson as she shares her work Celebration of Sisters with us. The conversation will begin at 6pm with a Q/A and signing to follow.

About Celebration of Sisters

Losing two sisters forever changed her. There is no one like a sister. Judy Lipson will remain the middle of three sisters.

At a tender age of 25, Judy faced the loss of her younger sister Jane in an automobile accident, and nine years later the loss of her older sister Margie after a 20-year battle with anorexia and bulimia. Who was Judy now without her sisters? Margie and Jane were her anchors. Judy suppressed the grief for thirty years and speed through the next three decades taking care of family.

In 2011, Judy took the journey to grieve, one of the most challenges pieces of her life, but the best gift she gave herself. Skating remained the chord pulling her full circle to her beloved sisters in a sport they shared, and the happiest memories. To honor Margie and Jane, Judy founded Celebration of Sisters, an annual ice-skating fundraiser benefiting Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Gliding on the smooth ice surface, Judy feels Margie and Jane with her, whispering in her ear, as she performs saying, “You’ve got this.” The shy middle sister is performing before a large audience.

This is a story of love, grief, sisters, and honoring our cherished ones.

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The Summerhouse

33 Summerhouse Drive   •   Plymouth, MA 02360
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