Sustainability is Standard Operating Procedure

This Earth Day, and everyday here at The Pinehills in Plymouth, Massachusetts, we celebrate the thing that makes this place truly special: the gorgeous nature that surrounds us.
Over its two plus decades, The Pinehills has been noticed for its groundbreaking style of sustainable, smart development. It is a low-impact community that preserves open space, balances water use, recycles and reuses wastewater, and has been deemed a “low impact development’ case study by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Affairs. Our private water company is consistently recognized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for extremely high standards of water quality, and the private wastewater treatment plant was honored by the New England Water Environment Association.
The best of the best come to The Pinehills to learn how low-impact development and smart planning can result in thriving, successful, award-winning communities. (Harvard. MIT. Tufts. SKANSKA. Urban Land Institute.) But, our favorite thing? When they show up young. We've shared our innovative, sustainability-minded model of land planning with high school aged aspiring architects from around the world studying at EXPLO at Yale, and hosted young people from Boston training to enter the workforce in wastewater, a green industry that desperately needs young talent, at The Pinehills wastewater treatment plant through the XCel Conservation Corp.
From what we've seen, the future of the planet could not be in better hands.