Gratitude gets us through!

Thanksgiving is here and we're just wondering, is it too soon to be thinking about the leftovers? Just kidding. #NotReally
On Thanksgiving we typically take a trip around the dinner table and ask, "what are you thankful for?" This year we decided to do something similar around The Pinehills. We asked our team, and the businesses who make their home here, what they are thankful for this year. We'll go first:
❤️ Essential Workers
Essential workers have been showing up every day to make sure we have what we need to get through. Nurses. Doctors. Teachers. Grocery store employees, (The Market team - we're looking at you!) Delivery Drivers. First Responders. This is not an exhaustive list. You know who you are and so do we. We are incredibly grateful how you keep our communities running.
❤️ Our Pinehills Team
Thank you to each and every member of The Pinehills family who (safely) stepped outside their comfort zones on countless occasions, embraced change with a smile, and persevered through uncertainty. We say it all the time and we mean it: we have the best team. Talented. Kind. Dedicated. We are so very fortunate.
❤️ The Shops, Services and Restaurants at The Pinehills
We are always grateful to the businesses who have chosen The Pinehills. We are their customers and collaborators. This year, these businesses have really stepped up. Many as essential businesses, and many that fed us, cared for us, and gave us bright spots that we have never needed more than in 2020. THANK YOU! We encourage you to support these incredible local businesses.
❤️ Our Pinehills Neighbors
Just like the businesses here, we are thankful for everyone who has chosen to make their home here at The Pinehills. You are remarkable in so many ways, and you make this place vibrant and welcoming. You also spend countless hours in service to each other, and to the Plymouth and South Shore communities. (Did you see this story about Womanade? How about this one about the Veterans Group at The Pinehills?) It’s awesome. This entire corner of Massachusetts is better off with you here!
Businesses around The Pinehills wanted a chance to share what they are thankful for this year. Here’s what some of them had to say:
❤️ The Market – 2020 has proven itself to be a challenging year for us all. We want to thank you for the support and patronage that we have received during this time. Although the future is uncertain, one thing that is certain is our commitment to safety and community pride. We will get through this. Have a safe and happy holiday season. – Jason Blood, General Manager & The Market Team
❤️ Mamma Mia’s Pinehills – We are very thankful for our customer’s loyalty and support when we were running only on take out, curbside, and delivery. It helped to keep our staff employed when no one knew what the future would bring.
❤️ Charles David Salon & Spa - All of us at Charles David Salons and Spas are so very grateful! While business may not be what it was last year, we appreciate each and every Guest that has returned to us since the shutdown. We have worked tirelessly to maintain a safe environment so that you may be as comfortable as possible during your visits. Your support means the world to us! Happy Holidays from all of us. – David Honeycutt
❤️ The Blueberry Muffin - We are thankful for our Family, Friends and Employees! We have been very fortunate to have been able to stay healthy and open during this pandemic! First, through just takeout, then with outdoor seating, and now indoor seating as well! - Rosemarie Brown
❤️ TD Bank - We are grateful for being part of a loving, safe community which we are here to serve. – Biagio Pizzolato, Assistant Store Manager
❤️ Hollis Insurance Agency - We at Hollis Insurance are very thankful for the fact that our employees are healthy and for the ongoing support by our Pinehills community. We remain open for business and look forward to a time when we can see you in person without the current health concerns. – Bob Hollis
❤️ With Integrity Wealth Management - We have been working closely with our clients, as well as their family members, through 2020. There have been many who have had concerns, and we are thankful to be able to bring comfort to their financial planning. We are also thankful for the thoughtfulness of clients, and their desire to align their portfolios for a better world. By directing their investment dollars toward more environmentally and socially responsible options, as well as those that take corporate governance seriously; these thoughtful actions have a positive impact, and it is rewarding for us to facilitate. We are thankful for being on the Village Green for the last 16 years through good markets and a couple of difficult ones. Being part of this community while The Pinehills has grown, along with all the people we have met and stories we have shared, continues to be an amazing experience. – Cliff Westberg
❤️Kerr Dental Associates - We are thankful for the resilience and loyalty of our patients and the Plymouth community.
And finally, a message of thanks from the heads of our Pinehills family:
❤️ The Pinehills President, John Judge
On the home front, I am very thankful for a wonderful family (grandsons in particular) and good health. On the work front, I am thankful to the Town of Plymouth for giving us a chance to create The Pinehills and in particular to Town Meeting Members and Planning Boards throughout the years who supported a new approach to economic development via a mixed use Master Planned village.
❤️ The Pinehills Managing Partner, Tony Green
I am thankful for my family, both at home and at work; and for all the longstanding (and new) relationships with people whose hard work, effort and choice of home and work, have made The Pinehills that special place behind the pines.
So, here's to facing our challenges with a measure of gratitude. We hope you have many blessings to count this Thanksgiving. You are definitely among ours!