A Virtual Photography Exhibit

Photographer and Pinehills Resident, Lisa Redburn, is a member of the Art Society of The Pinehills. She collaborates yearly with a group of artists from around New England, on the Visual Conversation Project. Rhode Island Center for Photo Arts, the location of the current exhibit, was closed due to the covid-19 outbreak not long after the photographers completed the installation. But, these creative spirits are making sure we can still enjoy their art (from the safety of home.) Thanks for sharing, Lisa!
Here is an excerpt from the website of collaborator Deb Ehrens about the project. The site also has an artist talk and footage of the installation:
Is it possible to have a conversation without words?
"This exhibit is the result of visual conversations between seven photographers. It explores communication via the exchange of images rather than words. As in any meaningful conversation, there is attentiveness and a flow of expression and ideas that connect people to each other.
We chose to create a one-way circular conversation (somewhat like the game of “telephone” or “whisper down the lane”). The conversation was initiated by one photographer sending an image to a second photographer, who “responded” by sending one of her images to the next, and so on. When we received an image we had no context or knowledge of the previous images. As soon as we finished one round of our circle, we began another round, but we changed places in the circle. A conversation was “complete” once each of us had had the opportunity to respond to each of the others (seven intersecting circles)."
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