It’s true. Food trucks will come to your neighborhood!
Food Trucks aren’t new to The Pinehills. Way back when, The Pinehills hosted the very first food truck festival in Massachusetts. And in subsequent years, our favorite trucks have helped feed the crowds at the Beer Garden and our many events at the Village Green. But the latest food truck trend, a innovation from our long-time friends at Food Truck Festivals of America (FTFA,) started as a way to keep these small food truck businesses going during the pandemic. Festivals were cancelled, of course, but day-to-day, food trucks depend on the city bustle — office workers, students, tourists and walk-by traffic – that stopped when COVID hit.
Anne-Marie Aigner, the owner of FTFA, brainstormed that bringing trucks to suburban neighborhoods could be a lifeline for them. A new food truck business was born – Neighborhood StrEATs.
StrEATs is basically takeout from a food truck. All done by preordering with scheduled time slots for pick-ups so there are no crowds. Very COVID safe. The truck arrives at your neighborhood. Your meal is prepared, bagged, and ready for you at your designated pick up time. Truckers are masked and gloved, and social distancing is adhered to.
Neighborhood StrEATs' first foray into The Pinehills is all thanks to Vista Point homeowner, Theresa Blinder. Theresa heard about the Neighborhood StrEATs program through friends in Newton who had trucks visiting their neighborhood every week. She reached out to StrEATs and got the wheels rolling. Now some of New England’s best food trucks are feeding Vista Point neighbors on a regular basis. They’ve had visits from Lobsta Love, Trolley Dogs, Frozen Hoagies and Chubby Chickpea, and the South Shore’s great Mom on the Go food truck is coming soon!
"This program has been a welcome break from doing our own cooking" said Blinder, who serves as the StrEATs ambassador for The Pinehills Vista Point neighborhood. “We get an opportunity to experience the fun and tasty foods the trucks have to offer, and to see neighbors and say hello on our way to and from the trucks. It's been a good community bonding experience while keeping to social distancing. It's also good to know we’re helping the local food truck industry during these challenging times."
Neighbors in The Pinehills continue to show incredible support to all of the fabulous restaurants here and around Plymouth. Inviting a friendly food truck to make a visit to your neighborhood is one more creative and delicious way to support our small local businesses. If you want more information, visit Neighborhood StrEATs or send them an email at info@foodtruckfestivalsofamerica.com