High home values and homebuyer interest in The Pinehills help fuel record-breaking 126 Resale Homes sold by Pinehills Brokerage Services

Our hard-working Pinehills Brokerage Services REALTOR® team had an epic 2021 with 126 resale homes sold at The Pinehills, surpassing their prior resale home sales record (100 homes in 2020) by 26 percent. We haven’t experienced this kind of intense buyer competition for limited inventory in a very long time. What will 2022 bring? Hard to say, but one thing we know for sure, you'll want our team of experts by your side to help you buy or sell at The Pinehills.
Our team approach ensures there is a Pinehills REALTOR® with a deep knowledge of your home, neighborhood and The Pinehills ready to assist you any day of the week. Call us at 508.209.2000.
And, if you'd like to stay on top of what is coming to market here at The Pinehills, we recommend you subscribe to our New Listings email, delivered once a week, or as homes and land become available!