Members of Pinehills Veterans Group continue to serve in Plymouth

What better day than today to recognize and thank the Veterans Group at The Pinehills.
The Veterans Group at The Pinehills began in 2006 with two primary goals. The first, to recognize veterans living in The Pinehills. The second, to raise money to help veterans in need in the Plymouth area.
Among the ranks of vets at The Pinehills are two World War II veterans, close to a dozen Korean War veterans, and hundreds of Vietnam Veterans. Members served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and National Guard, including the Reserves for each branch.
The average member of the Veterans Group at The Pinehills served in the military over 50 years ago, but the lessons they learned there are eternal: discipline, respect for authority, camaraderie, leadership, appreciation for other cultures, self-confidence, teamwork, duty, honor, country.
History of Veterans Day
Originally called “Armistice Day,” Veterans Day was intended as a reminder to nations to always strive for peaceful relationships. It was put into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918.
For that reason, November 11, 1918 was considered the end of “the war to end all wars” and dubbed Armistice Day. In 1926, Congress officially recognized the date as the end of the war, and in 1938, it became an official holiday to honor veterans of World War I. In 1954, after World War II, and the Korean War, veterans services organizations urged Congress to amend the commemoration by changing the word “armistice” to “veterans” so the day would honor United States veterans of all wars. President Eisenhower signed the bill proclaiming November 11 as Veterans Day.
Supporting Plymouth Charitable Organizations
It’s a mission of the Veterans Group at The Pinehills to raise money in support of veterans in need. The group works with five local charitable organizations in the Plymouth area: Plymouth Veterans Office Emergency Fund, The Nathan Hale Foundation , Heidrea For Heroes, Homes For Our Troops and Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth Veteran Build Division.
Homes For Our Troops
Bill Ivey, Executive Director, Homes for Our Troops, had this to say to the group: “Many thanks to the Veterans Group at The Pinehills for their exceptionally generous support of Homes for Our Troops and our veterans. Your generosity has truly helped to transform the lives of seriously injured Massachusetts veterans, and your superb effort to spread the word about Homes for Our Troops has brought us additional donors and supporters. Together we are making a lifelong difference for these brave men and women.”
Heidrea for Heroes
Heidrea for Heroes provides custom support and resources to assist veterans through a wide variety of challenges that can arise in civilian life. Veterans and military widows of all ages and all war eras are eligible to apply for assistance such as adaptive housing and vehicle modifications, qualified home repairs, immediate financial relief, or other custom assistance.
The Nathan Hale Foundation Veteran's Outreach Centers & Three Hart’s Farm Veterans Growing Opportunities
Funds donated to The Nathan Hale Foundation assist veterans in many ways. Some go toward quality-of-life help, such as a money for a tank of gas, an energy bill, or eyeglasses. Others for a delivery of a holiday basket when no one else seems to remember. Still more support workforce readiness programs, transportation to medical appointments, food, clothing, day outings, and Thanksgiving meals. The list goes on.
Just down the road from The Pinehills on Beaver Dam Road is Three Hart’s Farm Veterans Growing Opportunities. The farm is operated by Chris Hart, founder and executive director of the Nathan Hale Foundation, which operates as part of a support system for local veterans. The farm is a place for veterans to learn agricultural skills that can be used to start their own farm.
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth
The Veterans Group at The Pinehills (and The Pinehills) supports the HFHGP efforts to provide permanent housing for veterans. Two Veterans Build Habitat homes were built recently on Long Pond Road.
There’s More
In addition, the Veterans Group participates in placing flags at the National Cemetery in Bourne prior to Memorial Day and Veterans Day. At Christmas time, they place wreaths on the gravesites. They also hold an annual flag raising ceremony at Great Island in The Pinehills each Veterans Day.
How You Can Get Involved
If you live at The Pinehills, and are a veteran interested in being a member, please contact Bruce Riccio at Donations are very much appreciated. If you would like to make a donation to the Veterans Group at The Pinehills in support of the worthy causes above, please contact Bruce for more information.
Most importantly, to all those who have served, and those who continue to serve – THANK YOU!