Reindogs dashing all the way! Santa! Re-live the magic with a gallery of festive photos.

We kicked off a holiday season to remember on the 4th of December! Re-live the fun of Jingle All the Way to The Pinehills Village Green with some of our favorite scenes. Starting with...
Reindog Parade Winners!

Winner! Best in Show!
Diesel | 11 | Mixed Breed
Owner - Lori and Michael Cohen, Plymouth
Fun Fact – Diesel LOVES taking a shower.
Best Tricks – Catching a Frisbee (Not confirmed! Note from Diesel: It's hard to catch a flying disc with Santa's sleigh on your back...)

Winner! Best Small Dog!
Missy | 2 | Rescued Terrier/Chihuahua mix
- Owner - Sherri Naughton, Plymouth
- Fun Fact – She is 10 different breeds in one compact dog. (The era of doggie DNA testing.)
- Best Tricks – Piggy back, tell me a secret, and high five. (WOW! CONFIRMED! What a talented pup!)

Winner! Best Medium Dog!
Lulu | 7 | Rescued Lab Mix
- Owner - Martha Jamieson, Plymouth
- Fun Fact –
She likes to rescue anyone who goes into the water!
- Best Tricks – Giving Paw (CONFIRMED! And we love her take on Rudolph's sweetheart, Clarice.)
This year, Cape Cod 5 was the Presenting Sponsor of the Reindog Parade. Along with The Pinehills, Cape Cod 5 matched donations raised through parade registration allowing us to increase our donation to Plymouth Helping Hands for Animals to $1200 in 2022.

Pictured left to right: Stephanie Dennehy, EVP and Chief Marketing Officer, Cape Cod 5; Deborah E. Sedares, President and Chief Counsel, Pinehills LLC; Nancy Cullen, Plymouth Helping Hands for Animals; Tony Green, Managing Partner, Pinehills LLC; Luke Dignan, Relationship Banker, Cape Cod 5 Pinehills Banking Center.