Thanks for sharing your story with us Tony . So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
When I was a teenager, my father began inviting me to walk land with him not time in an office. He was a homebuilder and he would take me with him when he was looking at new land. As we walked through the woods he would ask me, “where’s the house”? Here we were in the middle of the woods surrounded by trees and nature and ‘there were no houses,” yet he was asking me – “where’s the house”? What he was really asking me, and what he really wanted me to think about was, “where should the house be”?
What my dad was really trying to impart to me was – vision. Basically –“what will the people who live in this house see”? Where is the best place to build in terms of views and privacy? I have taken this simple piece of learning and applied it to my job today at The Pinehills. I have spent a lot of time climbing trees to see the view that a house will see. What will the homeowners see every day from their deck? Are there enough trees on either side to allow for privacy. The only real way to answer the question of what does the house see is to walk the land. We walk land with that in mind as we create the home-site. We ask our builders to walk the land so they can determine what each room in the house they are designing and building will see. The value we create is directly related to how good is the view we find.