With Lots of Love from Egan Landscape Group

In the growing season, The Pinehills is nothing short of a masterpiece landscape painting; created by the artists at Egan Landscape Group. Driving through is a treat to the eyes - the beautiful plantings are everywhere. We enlisted the help of George Egan, President of Egan Landscape Group and the man behind the landscape design at The Pinehills, to crunch the numbers and report back with the data on just what it takes to make The Pinehills bloom.

Lots of Hard Work
The men and women of Team Egan work 15,000 hours per year at The Pinehills including:
- 5000 hours mowing turf
- 2500 hours weeding beds
- 1800 hours planting flowers
- Spreading 2000+ cubic yards of pine bark mulch. (Over 20 tractor trailer loads!)
- 335 miles per year driving the riding blower to clear leaves and debris from walking trails and roadways. That is the equivalent of taking it from Plymouth to Philadelphia, PA!
Bloom Where You're Planted
23,400 flowering annuals are planted in The Pinehills each year.

Spring Blooms - Spring Has Sprung at The Pinehills
- 4300 spring annuals including Pansies, Daffodils, Tulips, Hyacinth, and other assorted spring annuals

Summer Blooms – Live Life in Full Bloom at The Pinehills
- 6000 Impatiens
- 1600 Begonia
- 2000 additional assorted specialty annuals

Fall Blooms – Our Favorite Color is October at The Pinehills
- 9500 fall plants including Hardy Mums, Cabbage, Kale, Ornamentally Peppers, and Fall Pansies

Winter Blooms – 'Tis the Season to Sparkle at The Pinehills
- 35,000 sparkling lights illuminate The Village Green and beyond
- And evergreen garland galore