Celebrating Father’s Day with a Couple of Dads Whose Family & Business Co-mingle at The Pinehills!

A Tale of Two Dads, Two Businesses, and Four Sons
Have you heard that saying, “every father should remember that one day his sons will follow his example instead of his advice”? We’re happy to tell you that at The Pinehills two sets of sons have not only followed their dads’ example, but they've also been listening very closely to their very good advice.
My Two Sons Part One
One visit to Levis & Sons Gulf at The Pinehills or at the corner of Samoset and Court streets, (both owned and operated by Plymouth resident Al Levis and sons Albert and Geoff) and you’ll see for yourself just how much family means to the Levis family. Witness the family photos and stories that Big Al is more than happy to share about his kids and grandkids.
BIG AL'S ADVICE - As a family run business, be nice, be patient, be kind. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Do the best you can and don’t forget to thank God for all your blessings. My family means everything to me. I never get enough of seeing Albert and Geoff. We even have “forced family fun” and they better be there when it’s scheduled.
GEOFF'S LESSON LEARNED - Family is everything. My dad has been quite the role model for me. Some phrases that I have always remembered are: “Treat people the way you’d like to be treated”, “always carry a tuckie on you”, (extra money!) and “always wash the customers windshield.”
LITTLE AL'S LESSON LEARNED - May all your trouble be simple.I’ve heard my dad say that to just about every customer as they are leaving, so it seems like a pretty good lesson to take with me and also pass along.
My Two Sons Part Two
If the Blueberry Muffin is your favorite breakfast place you have the Brown family to thank for that – Kevin, Rosemarie, Kevin (Junior) and Joey. Kevin and Rosemarie’s passion for what they do has been passed on to Kevin and Joey (both Johnson & Wales graduates and chefs.)
KEVIN SENIOR’S ADVICE - You won’t know everything in this business, so you have to listen and ask questions and be open to instruction. When I started working, one of my jobs took me to different restaurants and I always asked questions. What’s in that? What’s that spice? How did you cook that? I had so many questions, but without asking and listening – well – those hash browns might not be as good and popular as they are.
KEVIN JUNIOR’S LESSON LEARNED - Owning a restaurant allows you to provide a place to rest, eat and laugh. There’s no better feeling than looking out into the restaurant from the kitchen and seeing people happy. Happy to be eating. Happy to connect with old friends and make new friends. It’s a very satisfying feeling to know that our hard work is paying off in the best possible way.
JOEY’S LESSON LEARNED - Always deliver more than expected. As the youngest, I’m taking baby steps into the family business. But seeing my dad and brother’s hard work pay off inspires me. I probably put more pressure on myself, but just making sure I deliver more makes me feel like I’m part of the family business.